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Jeopardy 90

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Manish neglected to remit the fees in time and therefore had to pay a fine. Replace NEGLECTED by using appropriate word. Refused/Promised/Failed/Obstructed
Manish failed to remit the fees in time and therefore had to pay a fine.
Being a member of this club, he has certain rights. Replac RIGHTS by using appropriate word. Status/Virtues/Truth/Privileges
Being a member of this club, he has certain privileges.
Military personnel rushed to rescue flood survivors. Replace RESCUE by using appropriate word. Command/Defense/Help/Safety
Military personnel rushed to help flood survivors.
We must keep moving from one place to another. Replace MOVING by using appropriate word. Taking/Shifting/Toying/Turning
We must keep shifting from one place to another.
People became alert after that theft. Replace ALERT by using appropriate word. Energetic/Intelligent/Observant/Watchful
People became watchful after that theft.
Correct it: Electrical energy is considered a secondary energy source because it has to come from another form of energy.
No correction required.
Correct it: approximately 2,500 varieties of Apple trees are grown in the United states, And it takes up to Five years for a tree to produce its first fruit
Approximately 2,500 varieties of apple trees are grown in the United States and it takes up to five years for a tree to produce its first fruit.
Correct it: Shanghai is china's most populated City?
Shanghai is China's most populated city.
Correct it: We saw, A wild bird in the tree?
We saw a wild bird in the tree.
Correct it: plants receive their Nutrients mainly from soil
Plants receive their nutrients mainly from soil.
Which is safer to use online: a credit card or a debit card ? Explain your answer.
A credit card is safer than a debit card, because a debit card is linked to your bank account and a hacker can cause much damage if they get access to it.
What do websites like Snapdeal.com and couponduniya.in offer ?
They offer coupons for discount on price or free shipping of products bought online.
I want to buy cake as it is my mummy’s birthday. There are special shops where freshly baked cakes are sold. What are they called ?
I am at a shopping mall to buy jeans. How can I find out the price of jeans that I like without asking anyone ?
I will look at the price tag.
What is the color and the pattern on the shirt shown in the picture ?
The color is green and white. The pattern is vertical stripes.
Should I eat packaged food after the 'best before' date printed on the packet ? Explain your answer.
I may. 'Best before' dates relate to food quality not safety. If food has passed its 'best before' date it might have started to lose its color, flavor.
Which chopping board is more hygienic, wooden or plastic? Explain your answer.
There isn't any strong evidence that one type of chopping board is more or less hygienic. It's important that the board gets cleaned properly after use.
Can we heat food leftovers as many times as we like ? Explain your answer.
No. You should only reheat leftovers once. The number of times food is reheated and put back in the refrigerator, the greater the potential for food poisoning.
Name the organization which was found in 1970 to put an end to manual scavenging.
Sulabh International It was founded by Dr. Bindeshwar Pathak.
There is one nursing home and one hospital in my neighborhood. What is the difference between the two?
Hospital is health care organization managed by professional physicians, surgeons and nurses. Nursing home is a small private residential accommodation with he
My sister works at a metro station. At her work place there are steps (a staircase), which move from down to up and vice-versa by electricity. What is it called ?
My brother gave order to print pages with name and address of his business at the top. What is this page called ?
During a presentation at work, I have to show pictures to my colleagues. Which device can I use to show those pictures to all ?
My uncle rescues people from buildings on fire and helps put out fires. What is his job?
What do you call a case that can be used to carry files and stationery from home to office and vice versa?