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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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one, five, two, seven
Two - an even number, not an odd number
sew, so, saw, sow
Saw - doesn't rhyme with the other three words
fire, higher, liar, hair
Hair - doesn't rhyme with the other words
tennis, soccer, cricket, badminton
Badminton - uses a shuttlecock not a ball
tiger, hyena, leopard, cheetah
Hyena - not a big cat
rough, tough, enough, through
Through - 'ough' makes an "ooh" sound, not an "uff" sound
cooker, kettle, fridge, toaster
Fridge - cools its contents down, not heats it up
niece, nephew, sister, auntie
Nephew - a male relative
nose, eye, leg, arm
Nose - a body part not found as a pair
cotton, nylon, silk, wool,
Nylon - a man-made [synthetic] material
bear, hear, fear, gear
Bear - the "ear" sound is pronounced "air"
Wii, X-Box, PlayStation, Sat-Nav
Sat-Nav - GPS, not a games console
Malta, Comino, Filfla, Gozo
Filfla - an uninhabited islet of the Maltese archipelago
flake, man, ball, glasses
Glasses - not usually preceded by the word 'snow'
Blue Ridge, Mariana, Fuji, Himalayas
Mariana - an oceanic trench, rather than a mountain
Wiener Schnitzel, pancetta, Black Forest ham, salami
Wiener Schnitzel - must be made with veal near, not pork [cow not pig]
knight, sword, castle, arrow
Arrow - doesn't contain a silent letter!
Saturn, Jupiter, Sirius, Neptune
Sirius - a star not a planet
castle, cave, cabin, cottage
Cave - a natural, not man-made structure
Thames, Rhine, Yangtze, Seine
Yangtze - the only non-European river [China]
muffin, baguette, sponge, brownie
Baguette - a type of bread, not a cake
Cairo, Bogotá, Cape Town, Addis Ababa
Bogotá - not an African capital city [Colombia]
Potter, Styles, Prince, Messi
Messi - not a famous Harry
Pokémon, Paddington, Hello Kitty, Mario
Paddington - a British, not a Japanese created character
mashed, scrambled, fried, boiled
Mashed - not a way of cooking an egg
rose, fern, tulip, daffodil
Fern - a non-flowering plant
kitten, calf, puppy, pig
Pig - the adult form of the animal, not the name of the baby
aubergine, courgette, tomato, coriander
Tomato - has the same name in British and American English
ruby, diamond, gold, emerald
Gold - a precious metal, not a gemstone
trousers, shirt, jumper, blazer
Trousers - not worn on the torso but the legs
ask, make, talk, walk
Make - is an irregular verb (made, have made)
plate, fork, cup, bowl
Fork - an item of cutlery, not crockery
Loch Ness, Aswan, Hoover, Kariba
Loch Ness - is a lake not a dam
yard, ounce, inch, centimetre,
Ounce - a unit of weight, not length (or cm - only metric unit)
Samsung, Hyundai, Dyson, LG
Dyson - a non-Korean based company [Singapore/UK]
Cava, Prosecco, Sekt, Champagne
Champagne - a “[fizzy] wine of place”, named after the region it's produced
Birgu, Valletta, Sliema, Mdina
Sliema - hasn't acted as the capital of Malta
VW, BMW, Audi, Skoda
Skoda - From the Czech Republic not Germany
dolphin, tuna, shark, stingray
Dolphin - a mammal not a fish
violin, guitar, xylophone, double bass
Xylophone - not a stringed instrument