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Language Features

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is duality of patterning?
The ability to create larger linguistic units from a limited set of speech sounds.
Humans are not the only ones who have a vocal tract that enables the speech sounds production. True or False?
What is productivity?
It refers to the ability to combine words in an infinite number of ways and the capacity to create new ones.
What is metalanguage?
It's the language that is used to talk about language itself.
Language depends on a structure to convey meaning. True or False?
What is semanticity related to?
The meaning of words and combination of words.
What is the feature related to how phonemes are perceived?
What is redundancy?
Languages use more time and space than is necessary to encode information.
Turn taking is evident even in babies. True or False?
Onomatopoeic words are arbitrary, True or False?
What is arbitrariness?
It's about the fact that there is no connection between the word and its meaning.
The ability to create larger linguistic units out of a limited set of speech sounds is called duality of patterning. True or False?
What is stimulus freedom?
It's the ability to use language spontaneously, without a given stimulus.
What is displacement?
The ability to talk about what is not happening right now right here because of the sense of time and place.
What is prevarication?
The ability to withhold information or give falso information (lies).