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Mrs. Stankus' Trivia 1 Who am I?

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What has Mrs. Stankus taught before?
4th grade and Reading Specialist :)
What is Mrs. Stankus' favorite color?
Pink All kinds of pink!
What foreign language can Mrs. Stankus speak?
How many Continents has Mrs. Stankus' visited?
5 - North America, South America, Asia, Europe, Africa
What ages are Mrs. Stankus' children?
21 - Ayden, 19- Maddie and almost 16 3/4 - Sammy
Are all of Mrs. Stankus' teeth real?
No, 2 are fake. I fell off my bike when I was 12 and lost two adult teeth. Be careful riding!
What sport am I really good at?
Does Mrs. Stankus like the mountains or the beach better?
Mountains of course!
How many pets does Mrs. Stankus have?
2 pets 1 Cat and 1 Fish
Does Mrs. Stankus watch TV or listen to the radio?
Listen to the radio
Name the two places Mrs. Stankus has lived outside of PA?
Florida and Tokyo, Japan
What is Mrs. Stankus' favorite drink?
Iced Tea with lemon especially green tea!
What is Mrs. Stankus' favorite food?
How many children does Mrs. Stankus have?
Is Mrs. Stankus' hair curly or straight?
Naturally curly but watch out I do straighten it :)
How tall is Mrs. Stankus?
Mighty 5'1