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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You want to go camping with your family. What things do you want to take with you?
I know your mother likes foreign food but (she ever eat) snails?
has she ever eaten
Correct the mistakes: 1) The restaurant is at front of you. 2) Go the second right. 3) Keep going on you reach the cinema.
1) IN front of you 2) Take 3) Keep going until
Paraphrase: I hate sales reps who try to sell me products on the phone. (stand)
I can't stand sales reps....
Find the mistake: My sister has a party next Friday, but I don't know what to wear.
is having a party
Talk for 30 seconds about your plans for the weekend.
Find the mistakes (if any): 1) Who forgot to bring the keys? 2) How much it cost to fly to Brazil? 3) Where you buy that coat? 4) Whose bag is that?
Make the sentence with the same meaning: I don't enjoy getting up early (not very keen).
I'm not very keen on...
Insert MAKE or DO and answer the questions: 1) Who in your family..... _____ decisions where you go on holiday? _____ lot of homework?
1) makes decisions 2) Does homework
Give the directions from your office to the nearby restaurant.
Complete the sentence. Answer if it's true for you or not. Give reasons: I wouldn't like (have) a holiday with a big group of people.
to have
Give some advice: - I feel bad. I think I've got high temperature.       - _________you go home?
Why don't you...
1) You look through these to see things far away. 2) a bag of medicine for ill/injured people. 3) a large boat that carries people and cars from one bank of the river to another.
1) bnoculars 2) first-aid kit  3) ferry
Complete the sentence and give some advice: What do think I _______ wear to the interview? ________ I wear jeans?
should; should
Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verbs: 1) He (never/travel) abroad. 2) My grandparents (come) to this country in 1956. 3) When you lived in Germany (you/go) to Frankfurt?
1) has never travelled 2) came  3) did you go
Talk for one minute about holiday nightmares
Tanslate: Однажды, когда я путешествовала на корабле, я уронила мою сумку в воду. Я потеряла фотоаппарат и паспорт! Это было ужасно!
One day when I was travelling by boat I dropped my bag into the water. I lost my camera and passport. It was a disaster!
Answer the questions: 1) What do you have to do next week? 2) What mustn't you do during an exam? 3) What don't you have to do when you are a child? 4) What can you do when you are a child?
1) I need (get up early), so 'm going to bed now. 2) We usually avoid (drive) at this time because of all the traffic. 3) She loves (shop) for clothes.
1) to 2) driving 3) shopping
This story (happen) while John (study) English at a community college in the USA.
happened; was studying
Your friend's son needs to study for an exam, but in the evening he goes out with his friends until late. He often misses lessons and falls asleep when he is studying. Give your friend some advice.
Excuse me. How can I get to the Cafe?
Where were you and what were you doing at these times yesterday: 6 a.m, 8.30 a.m, 13 p.m, 16.p.m, 22.00
Say the three forms of these verbs: catch, grow, drive, fly, win, pay
catch-caught-caught, grow-grew-grown, drive-drove-driven, fly-flew-flown, win-won-won, pay-paid-paid