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5th Grade Unit 3 Review

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Which king built sewage systems, water systems, street lighting and pavements in Madrid?
Carlos III
Name 4 writers and artists from the Spanish Golden Age (Siglo de Oro).
Calderon, Gracian, Cervantes, Lope de Vega, Góngora, Quevedo, Coelho, Zurbaran, Greco, Ribera, Murillo, Velazquez...
What was Spain like during the reign of the last three Hapsburg kings?
Bad: There was famine, Spain was bankrupt, expelling Moriscos made Spain lose artisans and merchants, validos had power, the kings showed no interest in ruling.
What was the name given to royal advisors, like the Duque de Lerma, who controlled the kingdom?
List the kings in chronological order: Felipe IV, Felipe V, Carlos, III, Luis I, Fernando VI, Carlos II, Felipe III
Felipe III, Felipe IV, Carlos II, Felipe V, Luis I, (Felipe V), Fernando VI, Carlos III
Who was Carlos III’s favorite architect? Sabatini, Herrero, or Frank Lloyd Wright?
Sabatini, who designed the Puerta de Alcala.
True or false: Carlos III supported the arts, sciences and education.
Who was the king who cleaned and transformed Madrid?
Carlos III
Fernando VI organized the Gran Redada in 1749. What was it?
A plan to exterminate Romani people in Spain by putting them in jail.
Who came after Felipe V? Felipe VI, Carlos III, or Juan Antonio IV?
Felipe VI
After the War of Spanish Succession, Felipe V established a system of absolute monarchy. What is absolute monarchy?
When a king has total control of a country and its government, military, economy, etc.
What is the name of Diego Velazquez’s most famous painting?
Las Meninas
Who was El Greco?
A famous painter from Greece who lived in Toledo. He painted many religious paintings and his work includes El Entierro del Conde de Orgaz.
Where was El Greco from?
Was Francisco de Quevedo a writer or an artist?
A writer! He wrote Vida del Buscón and A una nariz. He was famous for his satire.
Why was Miguel de Cervantes famous?
He wrote Don Quijote de La Mancha.
What was the Spanish Golden Age?
A time when artists and writers in Spain produced a lot of famous works.
What happened as a result of the War of Spanish Succession?
Felipe V of the House of Bourbon became king of Spain. He signed the Treaty of Utrecht, giving away all of Spain’s territories in Europe.
What was the name of the war that started when Carlos II died?
The War of Spanish Succession
Why did the Hapsburg dynasty end in Spain?
Carlos II couldn’t have children so when he died he didn’t have an heir.
Who was the last king of the Hapsburg dynasty?
Carlos II
True or false: During Felipe III’s reign, Spain had a lot of money.
False. During his reign, Spain was bankrupt.
During the reign of Felipe III, there was widespread famine. What is famine?
When people are hungry because there is not enough food.
Who were the three Hapsburg kings we learned about in this unit?
Felipe III, Felipe IV, Carlos II
Which two royal families were the most important in Europe at the beginning of the 17th century?
The Hapsburgs and the Bourbons