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G5- UNIT12

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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play with matches.
Don't ________. - Ok Iwon't. 
run down the stairs
Why shouldn't he ride a bike too fast?
Because he may fall off his bike.
Don't play with the scissors because it is __________________.
Should he touch the stove? - _______________.
No, he shouldn't.
Don't climb the tree, you may ______your arm and leg.
Don't _______________. 
play with the knife.
____________? - because he may fall off the bike.
Why shouldn't he ride a bike too fast? 
Why shouldn't she touch the stove? 
Because she may get a burn.
Don't climb the tree! - _______.
Ok, I won't.
Why shouldn't I play with the dog? 
Because it may bite you. 
Don't play with matches because you may ____________. 
start a fire.
You shouldn't run down the stairs because you may ______. 
Don't play with the cat, it may ________your face.
Don't ________, you may get a burn.
touch the stove
What is he doing?
He is riding a bike
what is the boy doing?
He is climbing the tree.
Don't play with matches because you may_____________.
get a burn.
Don't play with the knife because you may_____________.
cut yourself