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ULS MS JAN 2023 Vocab

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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1. Safe.   2. Freedom.    3. Problem
3. Problem
1. War.    2. Peace.   3.  Change. 
1. War.
1. Problem.  2. Safe. 3. Conflict.    
2. Safe.
1.  Power.  2.  War.   3.  Compromise. 
1.  Power.  
1. War.   2.   Peace.   3.  Agree.  
2.   Peace
1. Conflict.   2. Problem.   3.   Freedom.
3.   Freedom
1.  Conflict.   2.  Safe.   3.  Freedom.   
1.  Conflict. 
1. Peace.   2.  Compromise.  3.  Agree.  
2.  Compromise.  
1. Power.   2. Compromise.   3.  Change. 
3.  Change. 
1.  Agree.   2.  Power.    3.  Change.   
1.  Agree.  
1.  an argument between countries or groups in which sides are taken.  2.  the ability to do what you want.
WAR means (1.) an argument between countries or groups in which sides are taken.  
1. an argument between countries or groups in which sides are taken.   2. free from harm and danger. 
SAFE means (2.) free from harm and danger. 
1. something that causes trouble.   2.   to agree by giving up something to end an argument.   
PROBLEM means (1.) something that causes trouble.
1.  free from harm and danger.  2.  control over a group of people or land. 
POWER means (2.) control over a group of people or land. 
1. To make something different.  2.  when there is no war, fighting, or violence.  
PEACE means (2.) when there is no war, fighting, or violence.  
1.  the ability to do what you want. 2.  a disagreement or a fight. 
FREEDOM means (1.) the ability to do what you want.
1. a disagreement or a fight.   2.  To think the same way.   
CONFLICT means (1.) a disagreement or a fight.  
1.  to agree by giving up something to end an argument.   2. something that causes trouble. 
COMPROMISE means (1.) to agree by giving up something to end an argument.   
1.  when there is no war, fighting, or violence.  2.  To make something different. 
CHANGE means (2.) To make something different. 
1. To think the same way.   2.  control over a group of people or land. 
AGREE means (1.) To think the same way. Â