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Feelings vocabulary. Revision.

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We are, they are, you are (plurality)
My ye, vony ye, vy ye
I am, He is, She is, you are (to unknown person or adult and to a friend or family member)
Ya ye, Vin ye, Vona ye, Ty ye / Vy ye
Count from 80-90
Write down letter "и" (cursive and printed both sizes)
Write down letter "Іі" (cursive and printed both sizes) and name some words with this letter!!!
Write down letter "Cc" (cursive and printed both sizes)
Write down letter "Лл" (cursive and printed both sizes)
A spoon
A plane
A lion
A lemon
Count from 15-25
Count from 50-60
Read in Ukrainian "Масло і сосна"
Read in Ukrainian "Ліс і лис"
I am angry!
Ya zlyy / -a!
I am excited!
Ya v zakhvati!
I am thirsty!
Ya sprahlyy/-a / ya khochu pyty!
I'm hungry!
Ya holodnyy / -a!
I love you!
Ya tebe lyublyu!
I am hot!
Meni zharko!
I am cold!
Meni kholodno!
I feel good
Ya pochuvayusya dobre
I really like apples / Christmas / varenyky.
Meni duzhe podobayetʹsya yabluka / Rizdvo / varenyky.
I'm sad.
Meni sumno / ya sumnyy / -a.
She is happy.
Vona ye shchaslyva.