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Passive voice

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Complete the passive voice sentence: Delicious cakes ....(make) by Sheila
are made
Complete the passive voice sentence: Seals ... (catch) by polar bears everyday.
are caught
Complete the passive voice sentence: More sugar ... (eat) now in Europe than 200 years ago.
is eaten
Complete the passive voice sentence: Amazing technology ... every day (INVENT)
is invented
Complete the passive voice sentence: More than 204 million emails ... (SEND)
are sent
Complete the passive voice sentence: Many pictures ... to Instagram every second (UPLOAD)
are uploaded
Complete the passive voice sentence: The New Year ... in many countries (CELEBRATE)
is celebrated
Complete the passive voice sentence: Computers ... everywhere (USE)
are used
Complete the passive voice sentence: Wikipedia ... by anybody (WRITE)
is written
Complete the passive voice sentence: A lot of chocolate ... in the UK (EAT)
is eaten
Complete the passive voice sentence: Football ... around the world (PLAY)
is played
Complete the passive voice sentence: The use of the Internet ... by some governments (CONTROL)
is controlled
Complete the passive voice sentence: The chips ... to computer factories (SEND)
are sent
Complete the passive voice sentence: Billions of dollars ... by online shoppers (SPEND)
are spent
Is this sentence in the active or in the passive voice? Fresh bread IS SOLD here every day.
Is this sentence in the active or in the passive voice? People speak English all over the world.
Is this sentence in the active or in the passive voice? They publish his books.
Is this sentence in the active or in the passive voice? A lot of pollution IS CAUSED by heavy traffic.
Is this sentence in the active or in the passive voice? Tourists spend a lot of money in London.
Is this sentence in the active or in the passive voice? Vegetables and herbs ARE OFTEN GROWN in gardens.
Is this sentence in the active or in the passive voice? Archeologists often discover ancient coins.
Is this sentence in the active or in the passive voice? Fresh flowers ARE DELIVERED to our house every week.
Is this sentence in the active or in the passive voice? GOOD PIZZA IS MADE BY MY MOM.
Is this sentence in the active or in the passive voice? THEY BUY DELICIOUS FOOD EVERY DAY.