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Reviewing: A Boy who was Traded for a Horse

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Give 2 examples of how GWC made "something out of nothing or next to nothing."
He made synthetic marble out of wood shavings, insulation for houses out of peanut shells, many products out of peanuts and sweet potatoess
Why was the narrator surprised at GWC's appearance?
He was surprised that a man who had accomplished so much would look so humble.
What did Psalm 121 mean to GWC?
It meant that Alabama literally supplied him with the clay that he worked with to make paint.
What contributions did GWC make in the area of art?
paints from clay, paper from peanut shells, frames from corn husks, painting, embroidery, crochet, rugs from cotton stalks
What does GWC have that was his mother's?
an old spinning wheel
What happened to GWC when he was 6 months old?
He was kidnapped and separated from his parents.
In which state was GWC born?
What did GWC use to make most of his paints?
Alabama clay
What does GWC have in a jar in his laboratory?
a blue paint
GWC has a painting by which artist in his office?
Maxfield Parrish
What is GWC's secret to success?
When you do the common things of life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world.
What was on GWC's desk in his office?
Letters, papers, sticks and flowers
Name two other professions of GWC besides scientist.
artist, musician, cook, agriculturist
What year was GWC born?
We don't know!
What did GWC make out of cow dung?
Which Psalm inspired GWC?
Psalm 121
What was GWC carrying in the beginning of the story?
Sticks and flowers
The narrator thought GWC was a _____________, not a scholar.
Where do we first meet GWC?
Tuskegee Institute in Alabama
Describe 2 things about GWC's appearance.
White hair, carrying flowers and sticks, stooped back, old clothes, ragged cap