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Africa Unit 1 Test Review (Trashketball)

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Drought, Overgrazing of livestock-cause or effect of desertification?
Diseases, kills livestock, kills fish or makes them unsafe to eat-cause of effect of water pollution?
Famine-cause or effect of desertification?
What country: very wealthy, has 2 independent countries inside, Kalahari Desert nearby
South Africa
What country: found in West Africa, Niger River flows through it
What country: Large country directly south of Egypt
What country: Sahara Desert, Nile River flows into Mediterranean Sea here
What country: Found in the savanna region, Lake Victoria and Mount Kilimanjaro are nearby
What country: found in the Tropical rainforest, Congo River flows through here
Which 2 of the 4 African regions has the lowest populations?
Sahara and Sahel
Which 2 of the 4 African regions is best suited for farming?
savanna and tropical rainforest
What are 2 jobs available in the Sahel?
subsistence farming and herding
commercial logging and commercial farming
commercial farming and herding
Who are really the only people you will find in the Sahara?
What are some of the jobs available in the savanna?
farming and tourism
nomadic trading and commercial logging
herding and mining
What are some of the jobs available in the tropical rainforest?
commercial agriculture (cash crops), commercial logging,
herding and nomadic trading
subsistence agriculture and mining
What are the main causes of water pollution in Africa?
All of these
animal/human waste
agricultural runoff (fertilizers and pesticides)
industrial waste (chemicals from factories)
Which part of Africa is MOST negatively affected by deforestation?
tropical rainforest
Which part of Africa is MOST negatively affected by desertification?
What are some effects of desertification?
Famine and overpopulation of cities
Higher standard of living and GDP
What are some of the effects of deforestation?
desertification and reduced animal habitats
Increase in oxygen and decrease in carbon dioxide
What is famine?
scarcity of food
What is drought?
long periods of time without rain
Deforestation and consuming too much water-cause or effect of desertification?
What are the 2 causes of deforestation in Africa?
population growth and commercial logging
How can unequal access to water lead to problems in Africa?
War and poverty in countries without water
More trade and higher GDP for all countries
Famine and drought in countries with water
What does "unequal access to water" mean?
water is scarce in some regions, plentiful in others