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August 2020 Wrap Up

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which is worth more? 25 pennies, 3 dimes, 1 quarter, or 5 nickels?
3 dimes
How many dimes would make $1? A) 5 dimes B) 10 dimes C) 15 dimes
B) 10 dimes
When did we start our first day of school? A) August 9 B) August 10 C) August 11 D) August 12
C) August 11
Which community helper would you go to if you are feeling sick?
Doctor or Nurse
What does this person in the photo do for a living? A) Marine biologist B) Doctor C) Teacher D) Mechanic
C) Teacher
Which planet in our solar system looks like it is tilted onto its side? A) Saturn B) Uranus C) Neptune
B) Uranus
Which is the biggest planet in our solar system?
Which of the following tool does a firefighter use? A) Ladder B) Rock C) Hammer
A) Ladder
From yesterday's CNN 10 news, what was NASA looking for in space? A) Meteors B) Aliens C) Lost satellites D) Rogue planets
D) Rogue planets
What will be the 6th number when counting by twos starting with 14? A) 20 B) 24 C) 28
B) 24
What was the name of the family that attended the amusement park from our chapter readings? A) Kinder family B) Kindler family C) Kidner family
A) Kinder family
Fill in the blank: 4, 6, __, 10, 12 A) 7 B) 8 C) 9
B) 8
What is this called?
Smoke detector or smoke alarm
Which task is NOT part of our daily routine? A) Days in the new school year B) Staff attendance C) Student attendance D) Weather
B) Staff attendance
Name all the planets in our solar system in order starting with the planet closest to the sun.
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
What is this planet's ring made out of? A) Star dust B) Ice and rocks C) Satellites D) Trash
B) Ice and rocks
If there is a fire, who are you going to call? A) Firefighter B) Ghostbusters
A) Firefighter
In the BrainPOP movie on "Fire Safety", what would you use to put out small fires? A) Gas B) Cotton C) Rubbing alcohol D) Fire extinguisher
D) Fire extinguisher
How many planets are there in our solar system?
How many quarters will make $1? A) 2 quarters B) 3 quarters C) 4 quarters D) 5 quarters
C) 4 quarters
What did we make as a class on Tuesday? A) Cars B) Flag C) Food
B) Flag
What is the name of this planet? A) Neptune B) Uranus C) Pluto
A) Neptune