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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Find the sum of the given polynomials.⁣
Find the product of the given polynomials.
Find the secants.
Line AK and Line DI
Find the diameters.
Segment CJ and Segment DM
Find the tangents.
Tangent at Point A and Point F
Find the Chords.
Segment EL and HN
Find the measurement of the indicated angle.
Inscribed Angle= 85°(2) = 170°
Find the measurement of the indicated angle.
Inscribed Angle = 41.5°
Find the measurement of the indicated angle.
intercepted arc = 109 degrees
Find the measurement of the indicated angle.
Find the degree and find the leading coefficient.
Degree - 2 leading Coefficient - 4
Find the quotient and the remainder using synthetic division.
5x^?+?x+15 r.13/(x-1)
Find the quotient and the remainder using long division.
Find the quotient and the remainder using synthetic division.
TRUE/FALSE: The given equation is a POLYNOMIAL.