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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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where can we find this animal?
grassland, savannas
What types of grasslands do you know?
temperate grasslands and savannas
which is the coldest terrestrial eco system?
In which forest can you find trees with needles and cones?
coniferous forest
in which forest can we find the most different species?
the rainforest
In which forest can we find trees which drop their leaves in the fall?
temperate deciduous forest
What are the three marine systems?
coral reef, shoreline, open ocean
T/F there are many types of birds in the rain forest
the desert is very...
hot and dry
T/F Grasslands have many hills
coral reefs are...
farmlands are...
what are the three main groups of artificial systems?
terrestrial, urban, aquatic
what are the three main groups of aquatic systems?
marine, fresh water, standing water
what are the five terrestrial systems?
tundra, grasslands, tropical rainforest, forest, desert
what are the three main groups of ecosystem?
terrestrial, aquatic and artificial