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List 3 countries you would like to visit.
If you were to eat 1 food for the rest of your life, what would that be?
What is you life quote?
Who is your favourite artist?
Name your favourite food
The name of our company/account is
Mainstreet Renewal
The tab used by prospect to learn more about scams on the website is?
Scam Prevention
Where on the website can a prospect ready more about qualifications?
Future resident, Qualifying for a home
On rently we can send (blank) for touring.
Email links
Home availability/status is verified on?
One of our tools is shorten as SF, what is its name?
What is the name of our portal?
Rent Cafe
On (Blank), which is our website, homes can be found by city, zip code and address.
Prospect are instructed to use (blank) for touring.
What is the name of our dialer?