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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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On our trek among the sand dunes, close to the shore, we saw a turtle nest with rope around it to keep visitors away
On the first night, we caught sight of an eagle drifting in on the wind currents from distant lands, miles away
Spreading out before us were five kilometres of deserted beaches, just empty sands, a few crabs and a green frog that lived in our toilet.
We were outside Mumbai, far from the crowded landmarks of the bustling city, staying in a beach in the fishing village of Mandrem.
It is clear that when it comes to social media, it's becoming increasingly difficult to believe what we see.
The use of photos with location data made the vacations seem convincing, but the captions beneath told another story, making it clear that the holiday was fake.
We are more likely to choose to have an experience, such as attending a party, because we feel that it will produce a positive image online.
Photos of bloggers are carefully constructed to destroy reality, creating unrealistic expectations.
Born was hoping to demonstrate how far we are using social media to manipulate the image of ourselves that we share with the world.
Her pretty poor efforts to deceive her friends led to a new hastag going viral.
A collection of badly-edited holiday photos on a woman's social media account were so poor that they went viral.