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Superlative Adjectives

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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This spaghetti is _______ (bad) in the city.
the worst
This pizza is ________ (good) in town.
the best
Winter is _____________ (cold) season of the year.
the coldest
Summer is _______ (hot) season of the year.
the hottest
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is one of __________ books in the world. (great)
the greatest
This is ________ hotel in my town. (clean)
the cleanest
Math is _______ subject for me. (hard)
the hardest
This is _______ movie I've seen. (funny)
the funniest
Spring is ________ season of the year. (pretty)
the prettiest
Lucy wakes up _______ in her family. (early)
the earliest
Who is ________ in class? (calm)
the calmest
This juice is ___________. (sweet)
the sweetest
Which student in the class is _______? (happy)
the happiest
London is _______ city in Europe. (big)
the biggest
That suitcase is _______. (light)
the lightest
She's _______ runner in her school. (fast)
the fastest
That is _______ horse. (strong)
the strongest
This book is ________ one on the topic. (serious)
the most serious
Which language is ________ to learn. (easy)
the easiest
This dress is _______. (cheap)
the cheapest
Who is ________ person in your family? (old)
the oldest
Everest is _______ mountain in the world. (high)
the highest