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Natural Sciences. Unit 2: Animal characteristics

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Carnivores are animals that...
only eat meat.
Herbivores are animals that...
only eat plants.
Vertebrates are animals without an internal skeleton and a backbone. Is it true or false?
Invertebrates are animals without an internal skeleton and a backbone. Is it true or false?
Invertebrates are animals...
without an internal skeleton and a backbone.
Invertebrates are animals _____ an internal skeleton and a backbone.
Invertebrates are animals with an internal skeleton and a backbone. Is it true or false?
Vertebrates are animals with an internal skeleton and a backbone. Is it true or false?
Vertebrates are animals...
with an internal skeleton and a backbone.
Vertebrates are animals _____ an internal skeleton and a backbone.
Depending on how they REPRODUCE, animals can be divided into...
oviparous and viviparous.
Depending on what they EAT, animals can be divided into...
herbivores, carnivores and omnivores.
Depending on if they have BONES, animals can be divided into...
vertebrates and invertebrates.
Are animals living organisms?
Yes, they are! Because they perform the three vital functions.