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Natural Sciences. Unit 2: The vital functions

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What vital function means "Living things CREATE new living things and HAVE offspring (babies)"?
What vital function means "Living things EAT, DRINK, BREATHE, to GROW and LIVE"?
What vital function means "Living things FEEL what happens around them, REACT, INTERACT and ADAPT to their habitat"?
Reproduction means that living things...
create new living organisms, reproduce and have offspring (babies).
Living things perform...
Living things react,...
interact and adapt to their habitat.
Living things feel...
what happens around them.
Interaction means that living things...
feel what happens around them, react, interact and adapt to their habitat and perform actions.
To survive, living organisms need...
nutrients from food, water and oxygen.
Nutrition means that living things...
eat, drink and breathe to grow and live.
All living organisms carry out three vital functions. What are they?
They're nutrition, interaction and reproduction.