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A Recipe for Prayer (Matt 6)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What word does the meat patty in the series design represent?
Your name
Give us
Our Father
Pray continually
What three words can remind us to pray?
Thanks, Sorry, Please
Ready, Set, Go
I love you
One, Two, Three
When can be pray to God?
Once a day
On Sundays
Praying for our daily bread shows that we trust God to provide.
Apart from God's kingdom and will be done, what other things can we pray about?
All of the above
Our physical needs (give us)
Our repentance (forgive us)
Our need for help (deliver us)
What does it mean to pray that God's will be done?
People will do what God wants rather than what they want
People will do what they want rather than what God wants
God WILL answer our prayer
To be included in God's WILL
What does "hallowed" mean?
To respect
To ignore
To empty out
To say hi
What 2 things are the most important to pray to God about?
His Kingdom & His Will
Our desire & our daily bread
His Power & His Might
The sun & the moon
Our Heavenly Father loves to give us good things.
Who did Jesus teach his disciples to pray to?
Our Father (i.e. God)
Our Cat
Our Holy Spirit