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What makes a good location for a settlement?

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What does aspect and shelter refer to? Why are they important consideration for choosing good location for settlement?
Aspect refer to the positioning of a settlement. Shelter refer to protection for settlement. It can helpto develop and protect from natural disaster.
What makes a good location for a settlement? Mention at least 3 factors.
Access to water, Land quality, Defence, Aspect/ Shelter, Natural Resources, Attractiveness of the area , Function
Is "function" important consideration for choosing settlement? What do farming settlement needs access for farming?
Yes. Farming settlement needs access to fertile soil for their farming.
"Attractiveness of the area" is considered as for good location for settlement . Why?
The area is desirable. The location has great view and natural scenery.
Why is " natural resources" an important consideration for settlement?
It provides shelter, food and help for the development of the settlement.
Why is "defence" considered in establishing settlement?
Because it can protect from the attack by other country.
Is a marsh or swamp land good for settlement? Why/ Why not?
No, because it can be problematic for settlement as it can be unhygienic and the land may not be stable enough.
Why is" access to water" an important consideration for choosing a good location for a settlement?
Water can be used for drinking, cleaning growing plants and waterway for trade.