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Abeka 3rd grade science chapter 9

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The muscle that forms the heart
Cardiac muscle
Muscles that work automatically without your thinking about them
Involuntary muscles
Your body has over ........ muscles
Rope-like bands that connect muscle to bone
Muscles of your upper arm that work together
Biceps and triceps
Muscels that move when you want them to, sometimes called skeletal muscles.
Voluntary Muscles
The muscels in your body giving it its movement
Muscular System
Finger and toe bones
Upper arm bone
leg (thigh) bone
A strong, stretchy band that holds bones together to form a joint.
A place where two bones join to help your body bend
What bones protect your heart and lungs?
The rib cage
What bone protects your brain?
The skull
The bones that make the backbone
The body's framework of bones
The system of bones that makes blood cells and stores minerals
Skeletal System
Your intestines help your body absorb.....
What happens to your windpipe when you swallow?
It closes so you don't choke
Name the three main organs of the digestive system.
Esophagus, stomach, intestines
The parts of food your body cannot use
The organs that work together to change the food you eat into a form your body can use
Digestive System
Soft tissue inside the dentin containing blood vessels and nerves
Bone-like tissue that gives the tooth its shape
The strong, hard covering for teeth
The part of the tooth that holds the tooth in the jawbone
The part of the tooth that can be seen
What kind of energy enables you to see in color?
Light Energy
Your skin helps your body stay at an ....... temperature
The protective crust that forms over a wound when your skin has been cut
The tiny holes in the skin
Which layer of skin are oil and sweat glands found?
The dermis
What do oil glands do?
Soften skin
What do sweat glands do?
Release moisture
The inner layer of skin beneath the epidermis
A structure in the dermis that makes hair
The outer layer of skin
What sense organ works with your tongue to help you taste food?
The nose
What kind of tastes can your tongue detect?
Sweet, salty, sour, and bitter.
What is the sense organ for taste?
The tongue
Inside each taste bud are.....
nerves that respond to different tastes
To break into tiny pieces and become part of a liquid.
A liquid in your mouth that softens your food
The little bumps on the tongue that contain nerves for the sense of taste.
Taste buds
How does mucus help your nose?
It protects the area where nerves for smell are found.
What are odors made of?
Tiny particles of a substance
A wet, protective substance in the nose.
The openings in the nose
Name the parts of the inner ear.
Cochlea and auditory nerve
Name the 4 parts of the middle ear.
Eardrum, hammer, anvil, and stirrup.
Name the 2 parts of the outer ear.
Cup shape we can see on the outside of our body, and the auditory canal.
Three tiny bones in the middle ear that help move vibrations along.
The hammer, anvil, and stirrup.
This is a thin piece of skin that is stretched tight, and seperates the outer ear from the middle ear.
Sound waves travel through your outer ear in a little tube called the......
auditory canal
This is the part of the ear you can see, it designed to catch sound waves.
outer ear
Name the three main parts of the ear
Outer ear, middle ear, and inner ear.
The nerve that carries the message of hearing to the brain
auditory nerve
The part of the inner ear that is filled with liquid that stimulates the auditory nerve
Sound vibrations traveling through the air are called...
sound waves
You are able to hear things because of....
sound energy
Sound vibrations traveling through the air.
sound waves
To move rapidly back and forth.
How do tears help the eye?
They wash away dust and dirt.
What protects your eyes from dust or dirt?
eyelids and eyelashes
The part in the back of the eye where the picture is made; it is connected to the optic nerve.
The nerve that carries the message of sight to the brain.
optic nerve
The part of the eye that focuses the picture you see.
The ring of muscles that controls the size of the pupil; the colored part of the eye.
The large black hole in the center of the eye that becomes smaller or larger to control the amount of light that enters the eye.
The parts of your body that help you respond to the world around you- the eyes, ears, tongue, nose, and skin.
sense organs
The ability to see, hear, taste, smell, and touch.
five senses
Which side of the brain controls the left side of your body?
the right side
Which side of the brain controls the right side of your body?
the left side
A bundle of nerves found in your backbone.
spinal cord
Cells that carry messages to and from your brain.
The control center of the body.
The network of nerves that includes the brain, the nerves, and the spinal cord.
The nervous system
This system is composed of the windpipe, lungs, and diaphragm that help you breathe.
respritory system
To breathe in (or inhale) and breath out (or exhale).
A gas given off by people and animals that plants need.
carbon dioxide
A muscle that helps your lungs breathe in and out.
The tube, or airway, from your nose and mouth, that travels to your lungs.
What are the organs in your body that take oxygen from the air and give it to your body called?
These blood vessels take blood away from your heart.
These blood vessels take blood to your heart.
The rythm or beat that is felt through your skin as blood is pumped through your arteries is called what?
Your pulse
An enclosed, hollow space in your heart is called a....
These cells carry oxygen from your lungs.
red blood cells
These cells fight infection.
white blood cells
An organ designed to pump blood.
Tubes that carry blood throughout the body.
blood vessels
The ability blood has to thicken to stop bleeding.
The part of your blood that enables it to clot.
This system is composed of your heart and blood vessels that circulate blood throughout the body
circulatory system
Organs working with parts of your body that help it in a certain way is called a.......
A group of cells working together.
A stucture in your body (made from tissue) designed to do important job.
The smallest parts of your body, often called your "building blocks."