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Speaking teens

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is one ability that you believe everybody should possess
If you were ruler of your own country what would be the first law you would introduce?
Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life?
Would you ever swim with sharks?
Which weird animal would you be willing to take on as a pet?
What’s the scariest dream you’ve ever had?
How do you think the universe came to be?
Would you rather be rich or famous?
What vegetable is your least favorite to eat and why?
Where would you book tickets to if you could go anywhere in the world right now for free?
Do you think that cigarettes and alcohol should be legal?
If you could only eat at one takeaway restaurant for the rest of your life, which would you choose?