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Chapter 11 Microbial Control

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Heavy metals that control microbial growth include
silver, gold, copper and mercury.
Chemicals that are antimicrobial and contain fluorine, chlorine, bromine, and iodine are
halogen compounds.
Microbial death is is measured when the population is unable to grow under
ideal growth conditions.
_______________ is a control method that mechanically removes microorganisms rather than inhibiting or killing them.
HEPA filters are used to remove microbes from
What instrument is most effective for pressure-temperature sterilization?
Some microbial control agents are able to ___________ cell proteins by breaking bonds that maintain the native state (three-dimensional configuration) of the proteins.
_______ heat is more rapidly effective and efficient compared to ________ heat.
Moist, dry
Surfactants work by disrupting the
membrane integrity.
Which of the following microbial forms have the highest resistance to physical and chemical controls?
bacterial endospores
The lowest temperature needed to kill all microbes in ten minutes is the
thermal death point.
The shortest time required to kill all the microbes in a sample at a specified temperature is called the
thermal death time.
Scrubbing or immersing the skin in chemicals to reduce the numbers of microbes on the skin is called
A(n) _______ is a chemical that destroys bacteria except for those in the endospore stage.
___________ mechanically removes microorganisms, reducing contamination to safe levels.
___________ destroys all viable organisms including viruses.