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______________________ force is needed to turn the wheels on a wheelchair.
The south pole and the south pole will __________________ each other.
The north pole and south pole of a magnet ___________________ each other.
What force is happening in this picture as Alice falls down the hole?
Name 3 different forces...
push, pull, attract, repel, gravity, magnetic, balanced, unbalanced
Why do we float in space but not on Earth?
Earth has gravity. There is no gravity in space
TRUE OR FALSE? If you put two magnets together with the south sides (or north sides) together they will ATTRACT
false, they will repel
What does exert mean?
to cause a force to act on an object
What can make objects stay still?
(balanced) force
Can two forces be exerted on an object at the same time?
objects that attract each other exert a pull without having to touch
objects that exert a force without touching each other and pushes it away are exerting this force
A force that can attract magnetic objects or push them away
Magnetic Force
To use force to hold onto and move someone or something towards yourself
To use force to move someone or something forward or away from you
TRUE or FALSE? Forces can start movement and they can stop movement. Forces also cause movement.
The force that makes everything fall down towards the Earth
What is a push or a pull?