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What was the purpose of the Inca´s knotted stri ...

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The quipu was an invention of the Incas, an ancient civilization in North America. True or False?
Where was the manuscript found that proves that quipu is a language?
It was found in a box holding fragments of a quipu.
What is one of the proofs that the writer presents to argue that quipu is a language?
An old manuscript, a series of handwritten pages from the 17th century.
On the strings of the quipu are groups of points. True or False?
What are the 2 points of view mentioned in the reading?
Answers may vary
What is the text about?
Answers may vary
The quipus were used by the Incas. TRUE or FLASE?
Historians have tried to figure out how quipus work. TRUE or FLASE?
Quipus are made of plastic and wool strings. TRUE or FALSE?
About 1000 of quipus still remain intact. TRUE or FALSE?