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US History B Unit 4 Test Review

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Russia, France, Japan and Britain
Allied Powers
How did Henry Ford make the Model T affordable for Americans?
The assembly line
The Sedition Act of 1918 forbade
any abusive language against the United States.
What was Germany's response to the British Blockade?
Unrestricted submarine warfare
How did the lives of women change in the 1920s?
19th Amendment, college, jobs
What is Louis Armstrong famous for?
playing the trumpet in a jazz band
What President created the League of Nations?
Woodrow Wilson
The policy of protecting the interests of native inhabitants against those of immigrants.
This allowed nations to get together and discuss issues without war...
League of Nations
This was a telegram about an alliance between Mexico and Germany...
The Zimmerman Note
Germany, Austria -Hungary and the Ottoman Empire
Central Powers
What was some new technology that was used during WWI?
planes, trenches, machine guns, antiaircraft guns
These were anarchist Italian immigrants charged for murder even though there was no evidence
Sacco and Vanzetti
The is being able to buy an item with putting little down at time of purchase...
Installment Plan
Alliance system, Militarism, Nationalism and Imperialism - these are considered what?
The causes of WWI
What was the purpose of Wilson's Fourteen Point plan?
to have a peaceful nation and spread democracy
What resulted from Prohibition?
Organized crime, speakeasies, bootleggers
What device ushered in the information age?
The Radio
This was a cultural movement for blacks that included literature, art, music and politics
The Harlem Renaissance
What peace agreement was signed to end WWI?
Treaty of Versailles
Which amendment called for Prohibition?
18th Amendment
This was the fear that Communism would take over in the US.
The Red Scare
A mass migration of southern blacks moving to northern cities was called...
The Great Migration
Hidden bars that resulted from prohibition were called...
Women that dressed in ways that challenged social norms during this time were called what?
What event kicked off WWI?
Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand