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Jake thought, "I could never dance in front of others."
Rocky's cousin brought him to a party. Rocky didn't know anyone at the party. Shortly after getting there, Rocky's cousin disappeared. Rocky made a lot of new friends at this party and had a great time.
Kelly gets everything she wants whenever she wants it. If she asks her mom for something and her mom says no, she'll cry until she gets her way.
Kate unwrapped her gift carefully.
A group of kids were playing in the backyard and pretending that they were all pirates on a pirate ship. They created a game that had pirates, robbers, and princesses. The kids were showing what character trait?
No one want to play with Lena because she always tells everyone else what to do. She insists that everyone do things her way and will not listen to anyone else's ideas. Which word best describes Lena?
Andy saw his neighbor struggling to get his lawn mower running, so Andy went over to his neighbor’s house and filled up his lawn mower with gas. When it still wouldn’t start, Andy lent him his lawn mower. What character trait does Andy dem
David found a wallet on the ground. He opened up the wallet and saw an old woman’s ID card. David took the wallet to the woman’s house, and returned it to her. What character trait does David demonstrate?
It was Tanner's first day at his new school. When his teacher introduced him to the class, he tried hard to make eye contact, but he ended up looking down at the floor.
shy/ timid