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Vocab from Context

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When the student kept taking his phone out in class, the teacher CONFISCATED it
took it
He was so hungry that he CONSUMED 5 pieces of French toast
Sue AMUSES me with her funny drawings
The little boy became DROWSY as it got late.
tired or sleepy
He saw a beautiful bird SOARING across the sky.
flying or gliding
The castle looked ENORMOUS in the distance
The SLOVENLY boy never cleaned or washed his hands
The mother bathed the baby in TEPID water
The car collector bought a VINTAGE Ford Mustang
Billy DESCENDED the stairs into the basement.
walked down/went down
He was in a SOMBER mood when he heard the bad news.
Eating too much junk food can be HAZARDOUS to your health.
The man's large hat and sunglasses CONCEALED his face.
The students who put in the best EFFORT will win an award.
hard work/attitude
The tower will TOPPLE if it has too much weight on top.
fall over
Each day during spring, there is a SLIGHT increase in temperature until summer.
The CURIOUS puppy dug around the yard, looking for something to play with.
My grandpa will DOZE when he watched television if he is tired.
He chose to DELETE the items in his shopping cart because he wanted to save money.
When we go camping, my father will IGNITE the fire so we can roast marshmallows.
Fireworks on the Fourth of July give off a beautiful GLIMMER in the sky.
I looked at my brother with a GLARE after he broke my iPad.
mean or dirty look
The student replied to the teacher with a WITTY answer and the whole class laughed.