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Physical or Chemical Change?
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What is a usually irreversible change in chemical properties or composition, resulting in a new substance?
Chemical change
What is a usually reversible change in the physical properties of a substance, such as size or shape?
Physical change
What is a substance made by combining two or more different materials so that no chemical change occurs and materials can be separated?
What is the study of matter, its properties, how and why substances combine or separate to form other substances, and how substances other substances interact with energy?
Baking cookies. Physical or chemical change?
Chemical. You cannot return cookies to their doughy form after they've been baked.
Slicing bread for a sandwich. Physical or chemical?
Physical. Bread is still bread if you cut it into slices.
Scrambled eggs. Physical or chemical change?
Chemical change. Once heated, you cannot return the egg to it's original liquid form.
Melted butter. Physical or chemical change?
Physical change. Even though it takes heat to melt butter, you can cool butter to it's original form and it's still butter.
Boiling water. Physical or chemical change?
Physical change. Even though it uses heat, water is still water when it cools down. The process is reversible.
Shredded cheese. Physical or chemical change?
Physical change. You can melt cheese back into it's original block form. It is still cheese.
Salad. Physical or chemical change?
Physical change. You can return the lettuce, carrots, nuts, and other vegetables back to their original components.
Ice. Physical or Chemical change?
Ice is an example of a physical change. Although heat melts ice, you CAN return it to a frozen and liquid form.
Cupcakes. Physical or Chemical change?
Chemical Change. You cannot turn flour, milk, eggs, and sugar into their original forms and it takes heat to make the change.
Pancakes. Chemical or physical change?
Chemical change. You can't return flour, eggs, milk, and sugar to their original form
Cooked bacon is an example of a physical or chemical change?
Chemical change. Cooking bacon uses heat and cannot be undone (you can't return bacon to it's uncooked form once it has been heated up)
Fruit Salad is an example of a physical or chemical change?
Physical. The ingredients of a fruit salad can be separated into their original components.