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Electrical circuits

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Who won the war of the currents and why?
It was the AC current that won. • Transformers allowed an AC current to be transferred safely, cheaply and efficiently. • The AC current supplies the mains elec
6. How are the AC and DC currents different?
AC current can be increased and decreased, the DC current can’t. AC current can travel long distances while the DC current needs to be closer to the building it
The voltaic pile ensured a steady electric current. Why did this lead to the wider use of electricity?
refer to the fact that a steady electric current could be used to power appliances. An unsteady current would mean the appliance would go on and off.
What modern electrical appliances use a motor? Name 4
Any electrical appliances with a motor for example, car, drill, food processor, etc.
Did Thomas Edison invent the lightbulb?
No, the lightbulb had already been invented. Edison improved it by redesigning it.
What key discoveries did the following scientists make? Lewis Latimer
invented a filament that would stay lit for longer.
What key discoveries did the following scientists make? Thomas Edison
redesigned the lightbulb.
What key discoveries did the following scientists make? Michael Faraday
invented the first electrical motor.
What key discoveries did the following scientists make? Alessandro Volta
created the first battery using the voltaic pile.
What key discoveries did the following scientists make? William Gilbert
distinguished between magnetism and static electricity.
What does the word ‘electricus’ mean?
Electricus was the name given to static electricity by Gilbert