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The Ant and the Grasshopper - Teen 3

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Does Ant help Grasshopper in the winter?
Yes, he does. Ant gives food to Grasshopper.
How does Grasshopper feel in the winter?
He feels cold and hungry.
Does Ant have a lot of food in the winter?
Yes, he does.
Is there a vegetable garden in Ant's house?
Yes, there is.
Why does Ant work so hard during spring?
He wants to get ready for winter.
Does Grasshoppper like to work?
No, he doesn´t.
What does Ant always do at home?
He always works in his yard.
What things do people need to play baseball?
A bat and a glove.
Does Ant like to play soccer and baseball?
Yes, he does.
Does Grasshopper want to play alone?
No, he doesn´t. He wants to play with Ant.
What games does Grasshopper want to play?
He wants to play basketball, baseball and soccer.
In Grasshopper's opinion, is it fun to play baseball?
Yes, it is.
On the first day, what is the weather like?
It is sunny.
What are the four seasons of the year?
Spring, summer, fall and winter.
Are the insects family members in the story?
No, they aren't. They are neighbors.
What are the two insects in the story?
An ant and a grasshopper.