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Compromising and Negotiations

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Talk about a time when you had to negotiate at school
Talk about a time when you had to negotiate at home
Why is staying calm important when there is a disagreement and you want to compromise
shows respect, not showing anger, calm reasoning,
A friend wanted to go to a movie but you wanted to go roller skating. Neither you nor your friend would compromise. You ended up sitting at home angry. What could you have done to compromise?
offer to go to a movie now, and roller skate later, agree to do things with other friends this time
What is a compromise?
To solve a problem by each side giving up a little
Explain why it is important to negotiate?
Listening to what each other has to say you may be able to figure a best solution for all. Win/win
You wanted to buy your first car. The salesperson wanted more money than you could pay. You calmly informed him of your situation and made an offer which was affordable. The salesperson accepted your offer. Is this a negotiation?
Your parents wanted you home by 10PM on a Saturday night. You felt you should stay out until midnight. Instead of arguing, what could you do?
Ask if you can compromise and stay out until 11. If they say no, just go at 10 PM.
You asked your parents for a larger allowance. Your parents didn't want to give you one. Instead of negotiating you got angry and started arguing. What could have you said to show negotiations skills?
Offered to do more to help around the house, ask for less than what you wanted
You asked your boss for the weekend off. Your boss suggested a different weekend than you wanted. Instead of compromising, you left the office angry. What could have you said to compromise
Ask for one day off, reduced hours, offering to trade with someone