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Social Science Unit 2: Landscapes

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's the meaning of plateau.
The meaning is "meseta" or "altiplano".
What's the meaning of gorge.
The meaning is "desfiladero".
What's the meaning of valley.
The meaning is "valle".
What's the meaning of plain.
The meaning is "llanura".
What's the meaning of massif.
The meaning is "macizo".
What's the meaning of hill.
The meaning is "colina".
What's the meaning of mountain system.
The meaning is "sistema montañoso".
What's the meaning of mountain range.
The meaning is "cordillera".
What's the meaning of foot (of a mountain).
The meaning is "pie(de una montaña)".
What's the meaning of slopes (of a mountain).
The meaning is "laderas (de una montaña)".
What's the meaning of summit (of a mountain).
The meaning is "cima (de una montaña)".
It's flat land that is higher than the land around it. What is it?
It's a plateau.
It's flat land that is lower than the land around it. It has got rocky walls. What is it?
It's a gorge.
It's flat land between big mountains or between smaller elevations with rounded peaks called hills. What is it?
It's a valley.
They are large areas of flat land. They're often used to grow crops. What are they?
They're plains.
Spain is a very mountainous country. Is it true or false?
It's true.
They are the sides of a mountain. What are they?
They are the slopes.
It's the highest part of a mountain. What is it?
It's the summit.
It's the lowest part of a mountain. What is it?
It's the foot.
They are smaller than mountains and rounded in shape. What are they?
They are hills.
How do we call a group of old corroded mountains?
It's a massif.
How do we call a group of mountain ranges?
It's a mountain system.
How do we call a group of mountains that are compacted together?
It's a mountain range.