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6th SOC U3 Economic Sectors in Spain part 2

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is exporting?
the sale of products and goods to other countries
What is importing?
the purchase of products and goods from other countries
Which type of trade is inside a country?
What are the two types of commerce?
foreign trade and domestic trade
What are the three different types of the tertiary sector?
trade, tourism, transport
What is the most important economic sector in Spain?
the tertiary sector
Which industries produce everything we consume directly?
consumer goods industries
What do capital goods industries do?
make the tools and machinery other industries need
What do heavy industries do?
transform raw materials into products for other industries
What type of energy sources are unlimited and do not pollute?
alternative or renewable sources
What type of energy sources are limited and non-renewable?
traditional sources
What are some examples of traditional energy sources?
coal, gas, oil and nuclear energy
What are quarries?
an open excavation where we extract plaster, marble, granite, etc.
What are the two types of mining?
underground mines and quarries
In the secondary sector, it is important to ensure _________ development that meets current energy needs, without compromising resources for future generations.
What does the secondary sector involve?
Transforming natural resources into finished or semi-finished products
Logging involves cutting down trees in order to use their ______ .
What type of farming is very varied?
livestock farming
Where does inshore fishing take place?
in waters close to the coast
Where does deep-sea fishing take place?
in waters far from the coast
What does irrigated farming depend on?
human beings watering the crops
What does dryland farming use?
What are the two types of farmland?
dryland and irrigated farming
What are the three economic sectors?
primary, secondary and tertiary