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Integumentary and endocrine review

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Myocardial infarction
Fasting blood sugar
What type of DM is more commonly more serious
Type I
What results in Dwarfism
under secretion of the growth hormone and somatotropin
What type of DM requires insulin injections
Type I
What cells make insulin
islets of langerhans cells
Where are the testicals located
What gland is active early in life as part of our immune system but later in life is inactive and mostly fat
What hormone is secreted by the testes
What are the 2 hormones secreated by the ovaries
estrogen and progesterone
What are the female gonads called
What gland is activated in times of stress or physical danger
adrenal glands
What organ produces insulin
what is being used more often to treat diabetes that allows for a more natural consistent mangement of blood sugar levels
Insulin pumps
What are some common signs of hypoglycemia
weakness, faintness, sweating, blurred vison, hunger
What is the medical word for excessive urination
medical word for sugar in the urine
Medical word for excessive thrist
What blood sugar value is considered to be elevated
greater than 200
What are some complications of DM
CVA, MI, blindness, renal failure, poor wound healing, PVD
What are some ways to reduce the risk of DM
Weight managment and exercise
What type of diabetes typically occurs later in life and is strongly linked to obesity
Type II
Type of diabetes that occurs typically early in life
Type I
If you have an over active thyroid gland you make develope a _________ in the neck area
What is the only temporary organ of the endocrine system
What effect does the ADH (antidiurectic hormone) have on blood pressure
What hormone causes the uterurs to contract duirng childbirth
What hormone made by the pituitary gland stimulates the production of melanin in the skin
Melanocyte stimulating hormone
What hormone produced by the pituitary gland stimulates the production of ovum and spem
Follicle stimulating hormone
What gland makes growth hormone
The pidtuitary gland
Somatotropin is more commonly known as
Growth hormone
Thyrotropin is more commonly known as
Thyroid stimulating hormone
Where does the pituitary gland sit in the cranium
sella turcia
What is known as the master gland
the pituitary gland
What is known as the master gland
the pituitary gland
What is known as the master gland
the pituitary gland
How do hormones travel thur the body
in the blood stream
A chemical messenger made by the endocrine system is known as
The endocrine system is a system of ductless glands that secrete what?