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Thailand Trivia

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. What is the name of Thailand's second biggest island?
Koh Samui
If you land at HKT, which airport are you at?
Okonomiyaki is also known as Japanese what?
What comes after 'Custard' in the name of a type of fruit?
The two main types of rice used in Thailand are Jasmine or what?
Kaeng Hang Le is a northern Thai curry similar to a dish from which Neighboring country?
Fruit from which plant is mashed to make Khanom tan?
In the 16th century, immigrants from which European country had a huge influence on Thai cooking?
Khanom mo kaeng is a Thai dessert similar to which Western dish?
Which country does not border with Thailand?
What is the smallest Thai province?
Samut Songkram
What does "Thai" actually mean when translated to English?
Up north from Bangkok lies a province whose name means 'Dawn of Happiness.' This area was the center of the Kingdom of Siam, and a great king still remains the symbol of this place. Which is it?
Bangkok is usually referred to as "Krung Thep" by the Thai people. What does this mean?
City of angels
Thailand's official motto is "Chat, Satsana, Phra Maha Kasat". What is the English translation of its motto?
Nation, Religions, King