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Science G3U4L1

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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During weather broadcasts, meteorologists use ____________ _______ and charts to explain weather patterns to people.
Weather maps
True or False: Broadcast meteorologists read weather charts and information on past weather conditions to create weather reports.
_______________ study the effects of weather in their local communities and around the country.
_______________ _______________ reports on the weather.
Broadcast meteorologist
A ______________ _______ lists the temperatures, precipitation and other upcoming weather predictions over a large area.
weather map
A ______________ travels around Earth and collects data over very large areas.
A _________ ____________ is a tool that is launched into the air, with devices that collect data about the atmosphere.
Weather balloon
True or False: A satellite is a tool that scientists put into space.
True or False: Predictions of hurricanes can give people time to find shelter.
True or False: Knowing the weather doesn’t help people at all.
False. Helps people stay safe.
Scientists measure how fast the _______ is with an anemometer.
True or False: wind is caused by differences in air pressure.
________________ is moving air.
______ _______________ is the force of air pressing down on Earth’s surface.
Air pressure
True or False: Hail forms when rain melts and is tossed about in a tall cloud.
False. It’s when rain freezes
True or False: Snow is made of ice crystals.
True or False: Sleet forms when rain fall through a layer of freezing-hot air.
False. It’s freezing-cold air.
Name at least 3 forms of precipitation.
Rain, sleet, snow, and hail.
____________ is water that falls to the ground from clouds.
True or false: When precipitation, wind, and air pressure change, so does the weather.
If the temperature is low it means the weather is ___________.
If the temperature is high it means the weather is ___________.
A ________________ is a tool that measures temperature.
__________ is a measurement of how hot or cold something is.
Name at least 3 words that we use to describe weather.
Sunny, cloudy, rainy, stormy, snowy.
The ____________ is a blanket of gases and tiny bits of dust that surround Earth.
____________ is what the air is like outside at a certain time and place.