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SOC5 U3 Population and work

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is an ageing population?
The birth rate is low and there is a high life expectancy.
Which cities in Europe have more than 5 million inhabitants?
Paris and London.
What is the meaning of urban population?
Large, crowded cities.
Which countries in Europe receive the most immigrants?
Spain and Italy.
Why does Europe have high immigration?
People from Africa, Asia and Latin America come to Europe looking for a better future.
What are the characteristics of Europe?
High immigration, an ageing population, and an unequal population distribution with more people in urban areas.
What happened after 1995?
People immigrated to Spain.
What happened before 1975?
People migrated to large cities and to other countries like Germany.
How can we divide the twentieth century?
Before 1975 and after 1995.
Are children part of the active population?
No, because they are under 18 years old.
Which two populations do teachers Deme and Elisabeth belong to?
The active population and the occupied population.
The active population can also be part of the _________ population.
What is the occupied population?
People who are working.
What is the non-active population?
If you are above 65 years.
What is active population?
People between 18 and 65 who can work.