Edit Game
Review- Units 9 and 10

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's the name of the food? Is it countable ou uncountable?
Beef. It's uncountable.
What's the name of the food? Is it countable ou uncountable?
Butter. It's uncountable.
What's the name of the food? Is it countable ou uncountable?
Rice. It's uncountable.
What's the name of the food? Is it countable ou uncountable?
Potatoes. It's countable.
What's the name of the food? Is it countable ou uncountable?
Cereal. It's uncountable.
What's the name of this group of food? What can you see?
It's called GRAINS. I can see some rice, pasta, bread and noodles.
What's the name of this group of food? What can you see?
It's called FATS AND OILS. I can see some butter, oil, cream and mayonnaise.
What's the name of this group of food? What can you see?
It's called FUITS AND VEGETABLES. I can see some onions, bananas, carrots, apples, luttuce, kiwis, tomatoes and broccoli.
What's the name of this group of food? What can you see?
It's called MEAT AND OTHER PROTEINS. I can see some beef, chicken, beans, eggs, nuts and fish.
What's the name of this group of food? What can you see?
It's called DAIRY. I can see some milk, some cheese and some yogurt.