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Good News Club Review Jesus's birth

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What should we do since we know God's son was born?
Share the Good News that Jesus was born.
Who can share the Good News of God's son being born?
We all can!
What was one of the three items the wise men brought for God's son?
Gold, frankincense or myrrh
Did the wise men mostly travel during the day or night? Why?
They traveled mostly at night because they were following a star that appeared in the night's sky.
How did the shepherds find out about God's son being born?
A crowd of angels were signing and praising God.
How did the 3 wise men know how to find God's son?
A bright star lead them to him.
Who heard the good news of God's son's birth first?
God's son was rescuing everyone from what?
About how many years ago from now was God's son born?
About 2000 years ago
Jesus paid the price of what?
Who is God's only son?