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LA Gr9: Spelling 2

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noun a process of studying or examining something in detail in order to understand it or explain it
analysis anal路鈥媦路鈥媠is | \ 蓹-藞na-l蓹-s蓹s \
noun a senior official who lives in a foreign country and represents his or her own country there
ambassador am路鈥媌as路鈥媠a路鈥媎or | \ am-藞ba-s蓹-d蓹r , 蓹m-, im-, -藢d券r, -藞bas-d蓹r \
noun someone who does something because they enjoy it instead of as a job; inexperienced
amateur am路鈥媋路鈥媡eur | \ 藞a-m蓹-ch蓹r , -藢chu虈r, -(藢)t蓹r , -藢tu虈r , -藢tyu虈r \
noun the work, business, or study of farming
agriculture ag路鈥媟i路鈥媍ul路鈥媡ure | \ 藞a-gri-藢k蓹l-ch蓹r \
adjective behaving in an angry or rude way that shows you want to fight, attack, or argue with someone
aggressive ag路鈥媑res路鈥媠ive | \ 蓹-藞gre-siv \
noun young person between childhood and adulthood (~13-17 y.o.)
adolescent ad路鈥媜路鈥媗es路鈥媍ent | \ 藢a-d蓹-藞le-s岬妌t \
noun the process of being responsible for managing a business, organization, or institution
administration ad路鈥媘in路鈥媔s路鈥媡ra路鈥媡ion | \ 蓹d-藢mi-n蓹-藞str膩-sh蓹n , (藢)ad- \
adverb in a way that is good enough or large enough for a particular purpose
adequately ad路鈥媏路鈥媞uate路鈥媗y | \ 藞a-di-kw蓹t-l膿 \
noun what really exists; a fact or something that is real
actuality ac路鈥媡u路鈥媋l路鈥媔路鈥媡y | \ 藢ak-ch蓹-藞wa-l蓹-t膿 , 藢ak-sh蓹- \
noun someone you know a little, who is not a close friend; associate
acquaintance ac路鈥媞uain路鈥媡ance | \ 蓹-藞kw膩n-t岬妌(t)s \