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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do all the inventors in this quiz have in common?
They are all women.
Pat Bath developed a form of laser surgery in 1986, which is used on which part of the body?
The eye (to eliminate cataracts)
In 1951, Evelyn Berezin invented the ....... processor, an early type of office computer.
Word processor
Which computer-related invention is credited to G. Hopper - hardware, software or viruses?
B.N. Graham invented "Liquid Paper" in the USA, 7 years before which similar German product?
When did Marion Donovan invent the disposable nappy/diaper - in 1940/1950/1960?
Alice Parker invented central .............. in 1919
Which was invented first - the refrigerator or the electric water heater?
Refrigerator (1914)
Which famous board game was invented in 1904?
What was Anderson's invention called - a windscreen wiffer/wiper/whizzer?
Windscreen wiper
Connelly's 1887 invention saved hundreds of lives in New York. Was it a fire engine, a fire hose or a fire escape ladder?
Fire escape (ladder)
Adeline Whitney invented alphabet blocks, while working as a writer, pilot or teacher?
When did M. Beasley invent the life raft - before or after the Titanic sank?
Before (in 1882)
When was the globe invented by a Canadian teacher - in 1675, 1775 or 1875?
Which kitchen gadget did Jo Cochran invent in 1832 - fridge, dishwasher or washing machine?
What did Nancy Johnson's 1843 invention make - ice-cream or milk shakes?
The aquarium was invented in 1832 in which European country?
T. Babbitt invented the circular saw - in which century: 19th, 20th or 21st?
19th (1812)