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Force and Sound

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If an object is moving, it will continue moving until what happens?
Until a force makes it stop or change direction.
Does sound travel faster in liquids or solids?
What is it called when there is so much noise that it affects our hearing?
noise pollution
The pitch of a sound allows us to tell the difference between _____ and _____ sounds.
high and low
The volume of a sound
Why is it harder to walk in water?
because of resistance
How is sound made?
with vibrations
What part of our body do we use to speak and sing?
vocal cords
The quality of sound that allows us to identify its source
The unit used to measure volume
Types of object that can break
When a sound hits a distant obstacle and the sound is reflected back to our ears
When an object moves against air or water it is called
What is the force that slows down and stops a moving object when it is in contact with another object?
Some objects can change shape when a ____ acts upon them.