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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She couldn't ____________ her before she got a hair cut
recoqnize ( mengenali)
You need to ______ your score to get an A
improve ( memperbaiki)
The Alladin just ______ suddenly
appeared (muncul)
This is such a _________ statue. I think it is the biggest
gigantic (besar)
We should _________ everything
advertise (mengikllankan)
Stop _______
yelling! (berteriak)
There is a _____________ of ingredients (bahan) to cook from
variety ( bervariasi)
Children ________ on fresh air and good food
thrive ( berkembang)
My father was the _______ of Jakarta
mayor (walikota)
His father is buried (dikubur) in a _________ in a hill (bukit)
cemetery (kuburan)
I don't like this house because the c_il_ _ g is too low.
ceiling (plafon)
Climbing to the top of the mountain is a great _________
accomplishment (pencapaian)
Vitamin C is e_ _ en _ _a _ for our body because it strengthens (memperkuat) our immune system (sistem imun)
essential (penting)
This street is very ________ so we can only go in turn (bergantian)
narrow (sempit)
A person who writes books is called an ________
author (penulis)
He is going to have his exam soon so he is very ______________
nervous (gerogi)
The boy is ____________ by her friends.
surrounded ( dikelilingi)
The water is too ________ shallow that we can't swim
shallow (dangkal/cetek)
It is _______________ to eat in class because it will make the class dirty.
forbidden (dilarang)
Take a _______ when raining so that you don't get wet
shelter ( perlindung)