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Sherlock Holmes

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Do you think James is a good person?
Do you think the story has a good ending?
Did you like the story?
How much money did Sherlock get at the end?
Six thousand pounds.
How is James and Arthur related?
They are brothers.
Who did the police catch at the Chesterfield station?
They caught Hayes, the murderer.
Who kidnapped the Duke’s son?
Jeremy Wilder kidnapped the Duke's son because he was jealous of his father.
Did Sherlock find the Duke’s son?
Yes, he did. 
Who is Mr Hayes?
He is the owner of the Green Man Inn. He is a murderer. 
Did Sherlock and Watson find Heidegger?
Yes, they did. They found him behind a bush.
Whose body did Sherlock and Holmes find?
They found Heidegger's body. 
Did Sherlock find the German teacher?
Yes, he did but he was already dead.
Did Arthur get any letter before he lost?
Yes, he did. It was from his father. (pg. 9)
Did Arthur leave school with his bicycle?
No, he didn't. He didn't have a bicycle. (pg. 8)
Who is Heidegger?
He is Arthur's German teacher. The boys at school do not like him very much because he was not very friendy. (pg. 6-7)
Where does Arthur stay?
He stays at the Priory School near Mackleton.
Who is Arthur?
The Duke's son. He is a nice boy. He made friends at his new school, too.
Did Duke have a happy family?
No, he didn't. He and the duchess lived separately. Their boy was unhappy because he loved his mom very much.
Does Duke have a child?
Yes, he does. He has 2 sons.
Who is Mr James Wilder?
He is the Duke's secretary and also his first son. (pg. 11)
What does Dr Huxtable do?
He has a school. Its name is Priory School for usually important people's sons
How much money does Duke of Holdernesse offer to find his son?
Five thousands pounds for news of his son and another one thousand pounds for the kidnapper.
Who is Duke of Holdernesse?
The Government Minister. He is one of the greatest and richest man of the country.
What is Mr Thorneycroft Huxtable like?
He is a large man, tall, well-dressed, and important looking.
Who came to visit Sherlock Holmes in the beginning of the story?
Dr Thorneycroft Huxtable