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musical instruments

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a large keyboard musical instrument with a wooden case enclosing a soundboard and metal strings, which are struck by hammers when the keys are depressed
a percussion instrument resembling a shallow drum with small metal disks in slots around the edge, played by being shaken or hit with the hand
a percussion instrument sounded by being struck with sticks or the hands, typically cylindrical, barrel-shaped, or bowl-shaped, with a taut membrane over one or both ends
a guitar with a built-in pickup or pickups which convert string vibrations into electrical signals for amplification
electric guitar
a small four-stringed guitar of Hawaiian origin
a musical instrument resembling a lute, having paired metal strings plucked with a plectrum
a guitar that does not require electrical amplification, having a hollow body that amplifies the vibrations of the strings.
acoustic guitar
a stringed musical instrument with a long neck and a round open-backed body consisting of parchment stretched over a metal hoop
a plucked string instrument built in the style of an electric guitar but producing lower frequencies
bass guitar