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Football Quiz

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name the exercise
Name at least 3 parts of our legs
1. Thigh 2. Calf 3. Shin
Name the Skill
Roulette (360)
Name the exercise
Sit ups
What is the person doing?
What are the players in Blue jersey doing?
Man Marking
What is the player doing?
Carrying the ball
Name the Skill.
Body Feint.
Name the exercise.
High Knees
Name the cards and the punishment given for it.
Yellow card - Warning, Second Yellow card - Send off, Red card - Straight Send off.
What is the full form of MDFA?
Mumbai District Football Association.
What is the person checking?
Checking pulse for heart rate.
Name the Skill.
Which turn did the player do?
Cruyff Turn.
Name the Formation.
Which exercise is the person doing?
Which exercise is the person doing?
Name all the parts of the foot.
1. Inside of the foot 2. Outside of the foot 3. Instep (Lace Part) 4. Sole 5. Heel.
What did the player do to win the ball?
Slide tackle
Which exercise is the person doing?
Jumping Jacks
Which exercise is the person doing?
What is the full form of BMI?
Body Mass Index.
Which exercise is the person doing?
Which part of the player's foot is touching the ball?