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Gulf Spill Superhero

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Problem: Floating oil balloons threatened to ruin the beaches.
Solution: Experts created the SWORD.
Problem: The fishermen relied on seafood for their livelihood.
Solution: The government, bankers, and insurance companies helped them to find ways to make up for the lost income from seafood sales.
Problem: Oil was approaching the land.
Solution: Veterinarians helped marinne animals before returning them to the wild.
Problem: It was hard to see where the oil was spreading from the water.
Solution: Responders collaborated with the NASA who sent them information using the satellites.
Problem: The leak was deep below the surface.
Solution: Engineers sent a robot with artificial arms to plug the leak.
Problem: The platform could sink.
Solution: Boats and ircraft transported survivors to a safety place.
Prblem: The Deepwater Horizon drilling platform exploded.
Solution: Firefighters worked with the U. S Coast Guard to battle the blaze.